Marble Mansion Inn
Fair Haven, Vermont

Call the inn and mention Tour de Slate and you will get a 20% discount. But hurry. Because of the end of the Covid shut down folks are traveling and the rooms are going fast. This historic mansion on the Green in Fair Haven has many stories to tell. Your Tour de Slate ride will all of a sudden become extra special.
Call the innkeepers Greg/Sharon at 802-265-4556. Do not use one of the on line hotel booking services or you will not get the special rate.

The Marble Mansion Inn is now the rest area in Fair Haven. Metric Century riders will use this as their first rest stop.

The big marble house was built in 1867 by the Honorable Ira C. Allen, a prominent businessman of the Fair Haven community; born in Bristol, Vermont in 1816, Allen was the grandson of a cousin of American Revolutionary War patriot Ethan Allen. He was married to Mary E. Richardson, daughter of C. Richardson of Geneva, New York, in 1855.
For more interesting facts about the mansion visit their website at